Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Elections have consequences

Barack Obama liked to remind us that "elections have consequences."

Boy, do they! For conservatives like me, the months since Democrats took over the White House and the Senate have been a tsunami of consequences. How do you think I like it when Joe Biden's handlers aim 60 executive orders at the tip of his pen to effectuate a fundamental transformation of this country? Or when the Democrat-controlled Congress tries to push through statehood for the District of Columbia in order to guarantee their continued control of the Senate? Or when the southern border is turned into a 2,000-mile illegal-immigrant processing center?

Unfortunately, the dictum that "elections have consequences" is not recognized as a legitimate principle when Republicans defeat Democrats. That was obvious when Donald Trump won the 2016 election and spent the next four years being vilified as a Russian puppet, a racist and a danger to the republic. You see, Democrats consider elections to be their most legitimate means of seizing power, but not necessarily the most effective. For them, politics is the continuation of war by other means, and they have been waging war against not just Republicans, but against the Constitution for at least the last 50 years.

We could examine the truth of that statement in multiple arenas, including the attempt to repeal or neuter the Second Amendment, the assault on equal rights in order to replace equality with the Orwellian concept of equity, and of course the aforementioned unconstitutional push to convert D.C. into a state.

But let's stick with elections because any political party that controls elections ultimately controls everything else. Nancy Pelosi obviously knows that, which is why she made the For the People Act her No. 1 priority in the 117th Congress. The Constitution gives authority over federal elections to the individual states that make up the Union, but Pelosi's H.R. 1 would strip that authority from the states and give it to Congress. One provision in particular would outlaw the use of voter ID to verify that anyone who casts a vote is legally entitled to do so. Again, as crazy as it sounds, this is the No. 1 Democratic priority.

Let's say it one more time till it sinks in: Democrats want to ban states from using the most obvious and fair method to make sure that all votes in an election are legal votes — checking voter ID. No wonder millions of Republicans have a sneaking suspicion that the 2020 presidential election was stolen from Donald Trump. What do the Democrats have to hide?

But it's not just the 2020 election that makes conservatives fear that they are being dealt a hand of three-card monte. Consider what is happening in my home state of Montana. Gov. Greg Gianforte just signed two election integrity bills into law, and almost immediately the state was hit with a lawsuit by the Democratic Party to overturn the will of the people.

Wait a minute? I thought elections have consequences! But you forgot the asterisk that indicates "unless Republicans win." Elections Have Consequences; Cheating Doesn't | RealClearPolitics

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