Friday, August 30, 2024

RFK ENDORSES Trump, Kamala’s Still Hiding

This was the Monday program.  I listened to part of it on the radio and watched the video.

He makes good points.  I like Ben Shapiro, but he is a bit repetitive.

Either candidate could easily lose the election by saying something stupid.

Trump voters are extremely motivated.  There will be an enthusiasm gap.  If Trump voters turn out an extra 2 or 3%, which they will, then that will be enough to sway the election.

BTW, my vote doesn't matter.  Indiana will vote for Trump regardless of whether I vote.  Because of the Electoral College, six or seven battleground states will decide the election.

The only problem with a direct presidential election is that it would give high-population cities and states a great deal of power.  The Democrats would win most of the elections. The Electoral College was designed to provide slightly more representation to low-population states.

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