Monday, September 20, 2010


"For my part, I don't want to hear another conservative pundit call
for more tax cuts until there's a closure of the gap between what
Washington takes in and what it promises and spends. If that day never
comes, well, someone has to pay for the party.

Rep. Paul Ryan of Wisconsin stands out as the rare Republican willing
to challenge the Democrats' "culture of dependency" by proposing
painful cuts on Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid spending. He,
at least, is willing to tell the middle class that entitlement
spending is "unsustainable." Ryan is the adult in this room."

'As David Walker, head of the Peter G. Peterson Foundation and former
U.S. controller, told the San Francisco Chronicle's Carolyn Lochhead
last week, "If you eliminated all the Bush tax cuts, if you withdrew
from Iraq and Afghanistan tomorrow, if you eliminated foreign aid, and
if you eliminated all spending associated with congressional earmarks
— the populist things — it's about 15 percent of the problem."'

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