From: larry.r.trout
OWS 'A group of Occupy Wall Street protesters disrupted a Right to Life rally and threw condoms on Catholic school girls inside the Rhode Island state capitol building.
Barth Bracy, executive director of Rhode Island Right to Life, said their rally had to be cut short after the Occupiers began screaming and refused to allow a Catholic priest to deliver a prayer.
"This is their idea of civil speech but we believe it's an outrage," Bracy told Fox News & Commentary "They started heckling, chanting and blowing whistles. They shouted down a priest."
Last week's rally was held inside the rotunda of the state capitol in Providence. Bracy said the Occupiers, along with some pro-choice demonstrators, infiltrated the crowd of some 150 pro-lifers. He said the pro-life crowd was made up of senior citizens, mothers with young children, Cub Scouts, and school kids.
Bracy said one of the most egregious incidents occurred when an Occupier climbed to the third floor balcony and dumped a box of condoms on girls from a Catholic school.
"What kind of individual throw condoms at Catholic school girls," Bracy asked.
Bracy said capitol police were outnumbered and overwhelmed by the protesters. At one point they even attacked State. Rep. Doreen Costa.
"This was one of the most disturbing sights I've ever seen," Costa told Fox News & Commentary. "It was horrendous. "
Costa said a female Occupier hit her on the head with a sign and shoved her "moppy" hair in the lawmaker's face.
"I told her that she really stunk bad and needed to take a bath," Costa said.
Costa said she was "speechless" when they showered the young girls with condoms. So was Father Bernard Healey, the executive director of the Rhode Island Catholic Conference.
"It's disgraceful behavior," Healey said. "The week before, the pro-abortion people had their rally and no one bothered them. Apparently freedom of speech only applies to those who agree with you."
Healey called the protesters "mean-spirited" and "ugly."'