Sunday, April 3, 2022

Why It's OK To Use "They" as a Singular Pronoun | Word Genius

'Today, many style guides accept the singular "they," and the Oxford English Dictionary — perhaps the most definitive dictionary — also stands behind it. Some grammarians still don't accept its use for the singular, but this doesn't mean that the use of it is grammatically incorrect. Instead, it's just another example of language rules taking some time to catch up to the ways that the language is being used.'

The perversion of language is a ruse to allow power-hungry people to control your behavior.  If you don't pay lip service to their beliefs then you are denounced viciously as some sort of bigot.

To be clear, if I man wants to pretend that he is a woman then that is his problem.  However, they will not leave us alone.  Jordan Peterson had his job threatened for his opposition to required speech codes.  An actress that I liked,  Gina Carano, who was in the Star Wars TV series, The Mandalorian, got into trouble on her Twitter feed for refusing to call people by their preferred pronouns.  This led to a several-month-long internet campaign to get Disney to fire her, which Disney eventually did.  She was scheduled to star in a new Disney Star Wars spin-off series that also was canceled because of this incident.  The talent agency that represented her also dropped her.  The mob has the power to ruin people's lives.

Thinking that this was some sort of injustice, The Daily Wire hired Gina Carano to be in an upcoming movie that they are making.

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