Saturday, September 17, 2022

Everything wrong with Woke Culture (and the impact on feminism)

The problem with Woke culture is its origins and agenda.  Forms of Marxism or Socialism, defined as the state controlling the means of production, have been such a disaster that people only will move in that direction if they think that the current system is somehow bad.  Therefore the far left, which has become more the mainstream left, tries to tell every interest group that they are victims of an oppressive system.   How they get away with this in a freedom-loving country like the United States is hard to understand, but it has become standard politics.  This appeared to start with the election of Barak Obama, who also liked to push this victim narrative.

When these ideas are applied to entertainment it feels like a lecture, but even worse it never allows Woke characters to grow, treating them as perfect to begin with, and their only growth is to overcome the inherent oppression in the system.  That sounds like Marxist propaganda.  There is no doubt an audience that likes this kind of story, but it tends to alienate everyone else, hence the expression, "Go Woke, go broke."  Despite the repeated massive failure of Woke entertainment, many in the entertainment industry keep pushing this agenda.

 Well-written characters experience some sort of growth, learning from their failures.  Although classical heroes were traditionally men, and for good reason, since men biologically and culturally were protectors and warriors, we also loved strong female heroes who were well written, such as Princess Leia, Sarah Connor, Laurie Strode, and Ellen Ripley.  The problem is that modern entertainment doesn't give us well-written characters but an agenda that is a skewed perspective on reality.

On Sun, Apr 11, 2021 at 12:04 AM John  wrote:

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