Saturday, January 21, 2023

Comments on Climate Change

In addition to the stuff I usually write, I wrote the following...

The "Climate Realists" often get a bad rap and are made into straw men.  Almost nobody is denying that the average atmospheric temperature is going up nor that we are the cause.  However, there is a great deal more to this story.  It is important to note how fast the temperature is changing, and what the best solutions are to remedy this.

I seriously question the impartiality of the IPCC.  They are a government organization that is paid billions so they should try to be objective in how they arrive at their conclusions.  However, they refused to hire anyone who did not already believe in catastrophic man-made warming.  This is coming to the conclusion first, and then providing the evidence for it, rather than allowing the evidence to guide them impartially.  They also successfully demanded that scientific publications like Nature censor contrary opinions.  The former head of the IPCC, who got kicked out for sexual harassment, stated that anthropogenic catastrophic warming was his "religion", showing a complete lack of objectivity.  One-third of the people hired at the IPCC are members of an environmental lobbying organization, which for a government-paid organization is a complete conflict of interest.

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