Thursday, April 4, 2024

How World War II Began

If, like me, you are interested in history, this video is a very good description of all the events that led up to World War II.

I was glad to see this because I have seen several videos from "Zoomer historian" who is a bit of a Hitler apologist.  He claims that World War II started when England and France declared war on Germany, but history claims that it was when Hitler invaded Poland.  France and England had promised to help protect Poland, so after Germany invaded, they gave Germany an ultimatum to withdraw which Hitler ignored.

"Zoomer historian" also claims that Churchhill was a warmonger, that Hitler didn't want war with England or the Soviet Union, and that Hitler made multiple peace offerings to England after he invaded Poland which the British ignored.

The history is complicated.  There is a big difference between what Hitler said publically and what he said privately.

Germany might have had a historic claim to Austria, which was ethically mostly German.  Austria didn't offer much resistance and the Austrian people cheered Hitler's invasion.  Had Hitler stopped with Austria he might have become a historical footnote.

However, Germany then invaded Czechoslovakia.  Hitler claimed that he only wanted a small part to protect ethnic Germans in Czechoslovakia, but he took the whole country anyway.

Had Hitler stopped there he could still have had peace.  Some countries, like the old Soviet Union or China, are smart in how they do this; they will invade one country and then wait decades for things to settle down to invade the next. 

As "Zoomer historian" points out, Hitler claimed that he only wanted a tiny part of Poland that was ethnically German.  However, once again he took the entire country and World War II began.

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