Friday, February 6, 2009

Bill Gates releases Mosquitoes.

From: Wendel, David J  
Sent: Monday, January 26, 2009 4:49 PM
To: Trout, Larry R ; Coffey, John R ; Marticorena, Fernando R 
Subject: what are you're thoughts on this?
Coach Fired for 100-0 victory.

David Wendel
-----Original Message-----
From:  Coffey, John R   
Sent: Monday, January 26, 2009 4:57 PM
To: Wendel, David J ; Trout, Larry R ; Marticorena, Fernando R 
Cc: 'john2001plus
Subject: RE: what are you're thoughts on this?

In a competitive sport, like chess, you always try to play your best no matter what.   Your opponent paid money to play in a tournament against tough players, so going easy on him would shortchange him.   He will learn the most by having the best moves made against him.
From: Trout, Larry R  
Sent: Tuesday, January 27, 2009 8:05 AM
To: Coffey, John R 
Cc: Wendel, David J 
Subject: RE: what are you're thoughts on this?

Firing should be out of the question.

I believe a coach should have the option in any sport to put in their back benchers when its obvious they are going to win by a big margin.   This has the added benefit of giving experience/playing time to your secondary players.

In this instance, the opposing team was from a school with learning disabilities.   The coach and team probably should have gone easier on them, but that should be their personal judgment call, and no one should be penalized.
-----Original Message-----
From: Trout, Larry R  
Sent: Thursday, February 05, 2009 8:36 AM
To: Updike, L Robert ; Wendel, David J ; Coffey, John
R ; Marticorena, Fernando R ; Hebden, Daniel R 
CSW-SLC; Roesner, Michael A ; Spiegel, Jeff N 
Subject: Bill Gates

Anyone for an ethical discussion of this...

"Bill Gates releases mosquitoes into audience.   Microsoft chairman makes demonstration during discussion on malaria"
-----Original Message-----
From: Wendel, David J  
Sent: Thursday, February 05, 2009 9:16 AM
To: Trout, Larry R ; Updike, L Robert ; Coffey, John R ; Marticorena, Fernando R ; Hebden, Daniel R ; Roesner, Michael A ; Spiegel, Jeff N 
Subject: RE: Bill Gates

If there were more than 100 more mosquitoes than people, i.e. the mosquito "score" was more than 100 more than the people, then he should be fired.

David Wendel
-----Original Message-----
From: Coffey, John R  
Sent: Thursday, February 05, 2009 9:28 AM
To: Wendel, David J ; Trout, Larry R ; Updike, L Robert ; Marticorena, Fernando R ; Hebden, Daniel R ; Roesner, Michael A ; Spiegel, Jeff N 
Cc: 'john2001plus
Subject: RE: Bill Gates

Conservatives have charged that the ban on DDT has cost lives in Africa.   I am not sure what the harmful effects of DDT are, although I think that it primarily had to do with weakening bird egg shells, but it would seem to me to warrant cost/benefit analysis.
-----Original Message-----
From: Marticorena, Fernando R  
Sent: Thursday, February 05, 2009 9:34 AM
To: Coffey, John R ; Wendel, David J ; Trout, Larry R ; Updike, L Robert ; Hebden, Daniel R ; Roesner, Michael A ; Spiegel, Jeff N 
Cc: 'john2001plus
Subject: RE: Bill Gates

As far as I'm concern I think Bill belongs in a nut house.   Who in their right mind would release a potential disease that we have no cure for.   Who can warranty that this mosquitoes weren't infected?
-----Original Message-----
From: Coffey, John R  
Sent: Thursday, February 05, 2009 9:44 AM
To: Marticorena, Fernando R ; Wendel, David J ; Trout,
Larry R ; Updike, L Robert ; Hebden, Daniel R 
CSW-SLC; Roesner, Michael A ; Spiegel, Jeff N 
Cc: 'john2001plus
Subject: RE: Bill Gates

The only way he could have released 100 mosquitoes is if he bought them at some place that raises mosquitoes.   Who does this kind of work and why, I don't know.   I assume that it is for research.   When I was a biology student, for anatomy class we used to buy dead cats from a supply house, and other animals as well.   The cats all looked exactly alike.   So I think that mosquitoes bred in captivity would be pretty safe. Hey, if I had been Bill Gates, I would have just told people that I was releasing mosquitoes and not really do it.   Then I would watch everyone squirm.
-----Original Message-----
From: Trout, Larry R  
Sent: Thursday, February 05, 2009 9:53 AM
To: Coffey, John R 
Subject: RE: Bill Gates

The also could easily have been captured in the wild.   I believe this is already done to check local populations for West nile virus.   In provo, quite a few of my neighbors would volunteer to help with Utah counties mosquito abatement programs.

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