Sunday, February 28, 2021
Friday, February 26, 2021
Why The Left Can't Handle Donald Trump | Russell Brand
First COVID-19 vaccination
I didn't even feel the shot. This was no worse than a flu shot. However, my arm immediately started feeling sore. It still feels a little sore, but not very much. Afterward, I had to wait in an observation area for 15 minutes which was no problem.
A word on gambling and feeling alone
Thursday, February 25, 2021
Wednesday, February 24, 2021
Economic Civil War - The American Mind
Gina Carano Did NOTHING Wrong - Rosario Dawson is NEXT
Tuesday, February 23, 2021
The Authoritarian Left Is OUT OF CONTROL
Best wishes,
John Coffey
Bungie Gets Too Woke, Even For Me!
The New Documentary About Far-Left Extremism
Monday, February 22, 2021
COKE GOES WOKE: Coca-Cola's Anti-White Training Video | Louder with Crowder
Sunday, February 21, 2021
Andy Ngo - Antifa Unmasked: Inside America's Anarchy
Friday, February 19, 2021
Indiana hopes to lower vaccine age next week
Laser Weapon that you can't See or Hear #shorts
Thursday, February 18, 2021
Wednesday, February 17, 2021
Carl Benjamin - Making Sense Of 2021's Madness | Modern Wisdom Podcast #280
Rush Limbaugh
Identity politics
Similarly in the United Kingdom, author Owen Jones argues that identity politics often marginalize the working class.
Tuesday, February 16, 2021
Monday, February 15, 2021
Abraham Lincoln's Lyceum address
Everything I know about the Capital riot.
My position is that the President has a constitutional right to express his political views to a crowd of supporters, even if he is very wrong. He also told the crowd to make their voices heard peacefully.
When it comes to politics, what they allow you to know is only the surface of what really happens.
I heard that there were 100 bad actors with weapons arrested outside the Capital building before Trump started his speech. Some of the rioters started 20 minutes before Trump finished his speech. There is evidence that this was planned for a couple of months. There was evidence and warnings three days before the event that this would happen, at which point Trump offered to send in 10,000 National Guard troops and was told not to by the leaders in the Capitol building. Reportedly, they had sufficient warning to prevent this. Clearly, this was planned in advance and not the result of Trump's speech.
There is still much that we don't know. The facts still need to be established. They didn't call witnesses from the mob as to their motivation. There is some evidence, clear but small, of Antifa and BLM involvement. Some Antifa people were told to wear their MAGA hats on backwards so that they could identify each other from the actual Trump supporters. So there is a very real possibility that the worst of the violence was a false flag operation. If you were Antifa and wanted to stir up trouble, why wouldn't you come to this event?
There is no information about the people in the Capitol Building being armed, making this not an insurrection, but a riot. If you look at the videos, some were clearly moving quickly with apparent violent intent, but many more wandered in after with a slow shuffle that appeared peaceful.
There is much confusion about the deaths. Three of the deaths were medical in nature. It is hard statistically to get tens of thousands of people in one place and not have a medical emergency. Someone shot and killed an unarmed woman climbing through a window. This might have been excessive force.
However, the circumstances around the death of the policeman have been confusing and contradictory. We were told that he was hit with a fire extinguisher, and then that he wasn't. There is contradictory information about whether or not he went to the hospital and when. We just recently found out that he had a stroke in the late evening.
I have also heard that there were a couple of suicides related to the event.
I hope that a very thorough investigation is being done on the events of that day. We probably need a 9-11 type commission on the event.
Some of the "evidence" presented during the trial quoted left-leaning press articles that were relying on unnamed sources.
The press is reporting bad behavior on the part of President Trump during the riot. If accurately reported, I cannot defend his actions. My reaction would have been to assert law and order as quickly as possible. However, I am not sure about the jurisdiction here, since the Capitol Police eventually got control of the situation.
Most of the legal cases about election fraud were dismissed for legal reasons without presenting evidence. It has been reported that in the few cases where evidence was presented, the Trump team won 2/3 of these cases. None of this was enough to affect the outcome. Some of the cases are still pending, although this won't matter.
There were dozens of sworn affidavits of fraud.
People wanted to audit the voting machine software, but they were repeatedly denied. There were reports of voting machines switching votes to Biden, although others claimed that this was user error. Trump clearly believed that the election was stolen. There were discussions in the White House right up to January 6th as to if they could get to the voting machines to audit their software.
We are expected to accept the popular narrative, that the election was fair, despite any evidence to the contrary. I don't know. I am convinced that there was some fraud, but I don't have evidence at all that this was enough to sway the election. My desire is that this will be thoroughly investigated so that we can know with confidence that this election was fair and that all future elections will be fair.
Saturday, February 13, 2021
Friday, February 12, 2021
Thursday, February 11, 2021
Gina Carano FIRED by Lucasfilm, dropped by agency - Was it the right move?
Wednesday, February 10, 2021
Tuesday, February 9, 2021
Sunday, February 7, 2021
Elon Musk says he won’t take coronavirus vaccine, calls Bill Gates a ‘knucklehead’
Saturday, February 6, 2021
Friday, February 5, 2021
The Secret Bipartisan Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election | Time
That's why the participants want the secret history of the 2020 election told, even though it sounds like a paranoid fever dream–a well-funded cabal of powerful people, ranging across industries and ideologies, working together behind the scenes to influence perceptions, change rules and laws, steer media coverage and control the flow of information.
Wednesday, February 3, 2021
Trump Lays Out His Impeachment Defense
Senate Priority on all committees
"I've already instructed the incoming Democratic chairs of all relevant committees to begin holding hearings on the climate crisis in preparation for enacting President Biden's 'Build Back Better' agenda," Schumer said of Biden's green jobs plan.
Schumer, McConnell strike deal on Senate power-sharing agreement | Fox News
Tuesday, February 2, 2021
Fwd: New America
I didn't declare war on the establishment; it declared war on me.
It declared war on me when it supported energy policies that could enrich Saudi Arabia and Russia and would cost me more money at the gas pump or on my power bill.
It declared war on me when it told me my ideas weren't worthy of debate and discussion or that they were even so dangerous they couldn't be shared publicly.
It declared war on me when it used the police powers of the FBI and CIA to first spy on a presidential candidate and then worked to undermine the administration of that candidate after he was elected.
It declared war on me when it told me my religious beliefs did not deserve the protection of the First Amendment.
It declared war on me when it told me boys could compete against girls in high school sports and that they could shower together afterwards.
It declared war on me when it offered citizenship to illegal aliens and shipped American jobs to China.
It declared war on me when it mocked the usefulness of a wall on the Mexican border and simultaneously put up a razor-wire fence around the Capitol.
It declared war on me when it tried to defund the police so that millions of Americans would be left defenseless against mobs from antifa and Black Lives Matter.
It declared war on me when it said America was never great.
It declared war on me when it told my children they are not good enough because they are white.
It declared war on me when it said that defending the Constitution's rules on federal elections is sedition.
It declared war on me when it told me that I was a domestic terrorist if I didn't believe the government's official pronouncements about elections, about free speech, and about right and wrong.
Let's just say it plainly: The establishment declared war on me and on all conservative Americans when it decided that leftist orthodoxy was more important than the Constitution.
Don't believe me? Fine, why should you believe a Trump supporter? You've been indoctrinated by the national media, Big Tech oligarchs, the Democratic Party, and academic elites to believe without questioning that people like me can't be trusted. But you don't have to take my word for it. Listen instead to John Brennan, the former CIA director under President Obama, who speaks authoritatively for the Deep State:
He said on MSNBC that "the members of the Biden team who have been nominated or have been appointed, are now moving in laser-like fashion to try to uncover as much as they can about what looks very similar to insurgency movements that we've seen overseas, where they germinate in different parts of the country and they gain strength and it brings together an unholy alliance frequently of religious extremists, authoritarians, fascists, bigots, racists, nativists, even libertarians."
This "guilt by labeling" is the antithesis of fair play or justice. It is a convenient mechanism for the ruling class to herd people into identity clusters so that individual rights can be supplanted by group responsibility. If this reminds you of China's Cultural Revolution, you are not wrong. The ruling class wants you to conform, confirm and comply. If you step outside the lines, be prepared to be shamed, silenced and ostracized.
A shocking example was provided Wednesday when Douglass Mackey of Delray Beach, Fla., was arrested for creating memes that allegedly misled voters in 2016 to think they could vote by texting instead of by actually going to the polls. This is the equivalent of arresting Sacha Baron Cohen for exposing the gullibility of the rich and famous. The FBI offered no evidence that Mackey actually convinced anyone not to vote, but even if it did, so what? Would you rather live in a country where the FBI is hunting down pranksters — four years after the supposed transgression — or a country where voters are expected to be able to recognize a joke when they see one?
But nothing can be taken for granted any more. The people — and even their representatives and senators — are considered enemies of the state because they hold opinions that don't meet the standards of Joe Biden or (this is even scarier!) Jake Tapper.
No wonder the people are starting to rise up and rebel against the plutocracy. It's not "We the Oligarchs" who are the source of power in the Constitution, but "We the People," yet the ruling establishment has forgotten that. If people like Donald Trump and Douglass Mackey are deemed to be "enemies of the state," then those who would suppress them and their freedoms must be considered "enemies of the people."
A house divided against itself cannot long stand, but if there is to be a truce it will not come from submission, but from a recognition that all people are created equal, that they all have certain inalienable rights, and that among those are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Those words were worth fighting for once. Are they worth fighting for today?
I don't know, but I do know this: If Americans can't have liberty, we can't have America either — at least not one that is distinguishable from China. The time has come to make a choice.
Fwd: acronyms are racist
From: Larry Trout
The San Francisco Unified School District's art department moved to eliminate acronyms from its name, saying that the abbreviations are tied to "white supremacy culture."
"We are prioritizing antiracist arts instruction in our work," said Director of the Arts Department Sam Bass while announcing that the acronym "VAPA," which stands for visual and performing arts, would be changed to the SFUSD Arts Department.
"It is a very simple step we can take to just be referred to as the SFUSD Arts Department for families to better understand who we are," Bass said.
Did they just replace the VAPA acronym withe the SFUSD Arts Dept. Acronym?
We should probably ask a BLM representative what they think of acronyms?
Monday, February 1, 2021
Something went terribly wrong with Trump's defense (Opinion) - CNN
Re: Tesla only making money because laws take it from other companies
Eleven states require automakers sell a certain percentage of zero-emissions vehicles by 2025. If they can't, the automakers have to buy regulatory credits from another automaker that meets those requirements -- such as Tesla, which exclusively sells electric cars.It's a lucrative business for Tesla -- bringing in $3.3 billion over the course of the last five years, nearly half of that in 2020 alone. The $1.6 billion in regulatory credits it received last year far outweighed Tesla's net income of $721 million -- meaning Tesla would have otherwise posted a net loss in 2020."These guys are losing money selling cars. They're making money selling credits. And the credits are going away," said Gordon Johnson of GLJ Research and one of the biggest bears on Tesla (TSLA) shares.
Growth of COVID-19
Best wishes,
John Coffey
Fwd: Death of Hong Kong
"To uproot ourselves like this is definitely not easy. But things got uglier last year, the government was really driving us away," said the businesswoman and mother of two young children who didn't give her family name because she feared repercussions for speaking out against the Chinese government. "Everything we value – freedom of speech, fair elections, liberties – has been eroded. It's no longer the Hong Kong we knew, it's no longer somewhere we can call home."
Cindy, who landed in London last week, is one of thousands of Hong Kongers fleeing their hometown since Beijing imposed a draconian national security law on the territory last summer.
Some are leaving because they fear punishment for supporting pro-democracy protests. But many others, like her, say China's encroachment on their way of life and civil liberties has become unbearable, and they want to seek a better future for their children abroad. Most say they don't plan to ever go back.
Many firmed up their exit plans after Britain announced in July that it would open a special immigration pathway for up to 5 million eligible Hong Kongers to live, work and eventually settle in the U.K.
Prime Minister Boris Johnson said this week the offer shows Britain is honoring its "profound ties of history" with Hong Kong, a former colony that reverted to Chinese rule in 1997 on the understanding that it would retain its Western-style freedoms and much of its political autonomy not seen on mainland China.
Thousands of Hong Kong citizens flee to the U.K., fearing China crackdown | KTLA