Friday, December 29, 2023

The single greatest failing of the human species

The single greatest failing of the human species is the tendency to believe almost anything without good evidence.  There are many cults where you can see this.  People lack the ability or are unwilling to step back and look at things objectively.  People don't question what they hear.  Humans have a strong tendency toward Confirmation Bias, where if something supports their narrative, they will take it as gospel.

Things have been said about the COVID pandemic and vaccines that are not supported by the evidence.  I see many sources claiming that it has been proven that the vaccines don't work and are dangerous.  However, the data shows a much lower rate of death among the vaccinated.  It doesn't mean that the vaccines are perfectly safe or effective, but the evidence shows that you are much safer taking the vaccines.

I have multiple friends who think that vaccines are part of a conspiracy to kill off the human race.  One of my doctors has encountered this and called these people paranoid.  

Fear is the most powerful emotion and our greatest motivator.  It is normal for people to have fears and be wary.   However, this makes them susceptible to fearmongers.  Many sources claiming to be scientific and objective are really just playing to people's fears.


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