Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Why Humans Are Vanishing

0 seconds ago
The falling birth rate is an economic issue.  If the population drops, the incentives will change, either naturally or by fiat.

2024 Election Map Based On NEWLY RELEASED POLLING AVERAGES | Harris vs Trump

Thomas Matthew Crooks

Exclusive: Harris leads Trump 44% to 42% in US presidential race, Reuters/Ipsos poll finds | Reuters

Liberals Push False Claim Kilmeade Used Racial Slur

Son of Hamas Leader: Violence Against Non-Muslims is Rooted in Islam

Monday, July 22, 2024

Friday, July 19, 2024

New Rule: MAGA's Magical Thinking | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO)

I'm sure this will offend somebody, but I present it as humor.  The part at 8:01 made me laugh out loud.

Bill Maher WARNS Democrats "Will REGRET Sticking to Biden"

What will happen at the DNC if Biden drops out?

Trump Triumphs, Biden Leaves THIS WEEKEND?!

The first 25 minutes of Trump's RNC speech was very moving and I recommend watching it.

The problem is that Trump spoke for over another hour and the speech was too long and a bit boring.   He missed an opportunity to give a great speech.

Don’t Be Blinded by Intellect

Joe Biden Out There Snitching On Himself And Democrats

Douglas Murray - The Only Way to Turn America Around

Sunday, July 14, 2024


President Biden: There’s no place in America for any violence

Wow. Biden gave a good speech.

Trump Answer A Great Question!!


Location of Trump Rally and Attempted Assassination on Google Maps,-79.9715945,631m/data=!3m1!1e3?entry=ttu

Location on Google Maps of Trump Rally and Attempted Assassination

This takes place in a farm show area near the southwest edge of Butler Pennsylvania.  Trump was standing in front of three buildings center map, and the shots came from a building directly north.

Roughly the view the shooter had of Donald Trump

Chris Swecker on Trump assassination attempt: 'This was a security breakdown from start to finish'

Would-be Trump assassin had explosives in car parked near rally

In Crooks' house, law enforcement found bomb-making materials, the sources told Fox News. 

Hatred Toward Trump

Body Language: Trump Assassination Attempt

O'Reilly Reacts to the Assassination Attempt on Donald Trump

Friday, July 12, 2024

Young Donald Trump predicts Joe Biden in 1980 interview

'Ocean Acidification' Doesn't Mean What You Think It Means

Our Last Chance To Save The West | Douglas Murray

This is what STRENGTH looks like

He Talks About MONEY To Americans In The 1960s. How Have Things Changed?


Judge in Alec Baldwin’s involuntary manslaughter trial dismisses case

Is Mexico the New Target for US Companies?

THIS Is How BAD Inflation Is

Monday, July 8, 2024

We don't even make adults until they hit 40

Ben Franklin, technically a polymath, is my favorite historical figure, partly because he was an avid chess player, but I read his autobiography when I was in high school.

Saturday, July 6, 2024

2024 Election Map Based On the Latest Poll

Based on this election map, Trump would have to lose Minnesota, which maybe he will, plus Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Nevada, plus one more state like New Jersey for Biden to win.  These states are close enough to give Biden a small chance.

Two words: Joe Biden

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Why Japan Is Heading To Bankruptcy

Why I'm Voting Against Labour - Peter Hitchens

Not many people would be interested in British politics.  On the surface, it would not seem relevant to them.  However, this discussion reflects how the world has moved toward socialism and how politics has failed to fix this.

Peter Hitchens is starting to sound more like his highly erudite late brother Christopher Hitchens who often overshadowed him.  Peter is deeply religious and conservative.  His brother was a very outspoken anti-religious atheist who was also a moderate liberal.  He frequently spoke about the horrors of religion, especially regarding Islam.

80% of the Voters says that Biden is too old to run for reelection.

Fwd: The world's and Nation's Debt

From: Larry

Governments owe an unprecedented $91 trillion, an amount almost equal to the size of the global economy and one that will ultimately exact a heavy toll on their populations.

Debt burdens have grown so large — in part because of the cost of the pandemic — that they now pose a growing threat to living standards even in rich economies, including the United States.

Yet, in a year of elections around the world, politicians are largely ignoring the problem, unwilling to level with voters about the tax increases and spending cuts needed to tackle the deluge of borrowing. In some cases, they're even making profligate promises that could at the very least jack up inflation again and could even trigger a new financial crisis.

The International Monetary Fund last week reiterated its warning that "chronic fiscal deficits" in the US must be "urgently addressed." Investors have long shared that disquiet about the long-term trajectory of the US government's finances.

Debt is "not free anymore," he told CNN.

"In the 2010s, a lot of academics, policymakers and central bankers came to the view that interest rates were just going to be near zero forever and then they started thinking debt was a free lunch," he said.

"That was always wrong-headed because you can think of government debt as holding a flexible-rate mortgage and, if the interest rates go up sharply, your interest payments go up a lot. And that's exactly what's happened all over the world."

'Conspiracy of silence'

In the United States, the federal government will spend $892 billion in the current fiscal year on interest payments — more than it has earmarked for defense and approaching the budget for Medicare, health insurance for older people and those with disabilities.

Next year, interest payments will top $1 trillion on national debt of more than $30 trillion, itself a sum roughly equal to the size of the US economy, according to the Congressional Budget Office, Congress's fiscal watchdog.

The CBO sees US debt reaching 122% of GDP a mere 10 years from now. And in 2054, debt is forecast to hit 166% of GDP, slowing economic growth.

So how much debt is too much? Economists don't think there is a "predetermined level at which bad things happen in markets," but most reckon that if debt hits 150% or 180% of gross domestic product, that means "very serious costs for the economy and society more broadly," said Dynan.

The world is sitting on a $91 trillion problem. 'Hard choices' are coming | CNN Business

18 minutes ago

Tax revenue is a record at about 4.5 trillion the federal budget in 2019 was 4.6, it is now about 6.3. If we had the same spending as 2019 we'd have a balanced budget. We have a spending g problem

Why Does Trump Want to Crash the Dollar?

White House responds to report Biden told ally he's weighing dropping out of race | Fox News

Saturday, June 29, 2024

Daily Wire Backstage: The Presidential Debate

Every Trans Person's Reaction to the Presidential Debate

Scientist Explains Why Lab Leak Is MOST LIKELY Explanation for Covid

Supreme Court rules in favor of Jan. 6 Capitol riot participant who challenged obstruction conviction

Democrats Calling To REMOVE Joe Biden

Obama defends Biden, hammers Trump after televised showdown: ‘Bad debate nights happen’

Reagan - Peace this Second if we Surrender

Fwd: Federal governments censorship by proxy

Mom Kicked off United for misgendering flight attendant

Russian airborn brigade lost

Optimistic but not getting hopes up

"First of all, I think we shouldn't assume that Black Americans are dumb or insensitive or incapable of learning. They're looking at grocery store prices they can't afford, and they know it's Biden's fault. They're looking at millions of illegal immigrants coming into their neighborhoods, taking their jobs, threatening their families with violence, and they know Biden is responsible. You turn around, and they know the tools aren't working, despite all the money we pour into the teachers' unions, and they know the Democrats are responsible. They look at big cities where... Democrat mayor after Democrat mayor is corrupt, incompetent, and incapable of serving their interests. So what you're beginning to see is a movement that says… 'What have we got to lose by trying out Donald Trump?' 

I think he will get a higher vote than any Republican since Eisenhower and may, in fact, exceed Eisenhower, because the momentum for the next four months, I think, is all going to be in… Trump's favor… While Trump is at 21 [percent among Black voters] and people are saying, 'Boy, that's good,' Biden has collapsed. The number of Black Democrats, and for that matter, Latino Democrats who are now undecided and potentially could switch to Trump are breathtaking. And that's why you're beginning to see places like … Minnesota, the last poll, Trump's up four. Well, if he carries Minnesota by any margin, he's on the verge of a 1980 Ronald Reagan blowout of Jimmy Carter, and I don't see practically how the Democrats offset reality."

Supreme court overturns previous judicial homeless madness

The Supreme Court loosened the restraints on city officials confronting homeless encampments, overturning a lower court that found it unconstitutional to penalize people for sleeping in public when they have nowhere else to stay.

Writing for the court, Justice Neil Gorsuch said the Eighth Amendment ban on cruel and unusual punishments, which a lower court invoked to strike down the city's ordinance, had no role to play in limiting government responses to homelessness.

Friday, June 28, 2024

C-SPAN: President Reagan 1981 Inaugural Address

An $18 Big Mac meal sparked a revolt against high prices. Companies are finally listening | CNN Business


 I didn't watch the debate because I didn't think it wouldn't be very informative.  I thought that it might be disastrous because the moderators are very anti-Trump.

Most people have already decided, which makes debates a bit pointless.

However, I was very interested in what the commentators had to say about the debate.  The immediate reaction by everyone, including Biden supporters, is that Biden did badly and looked senile.  Even his supporters want a different candidate to replace him.  His opponents would be happy to keep him as an opponent because there is no way he can win.  

I think that the responsible thing for Biden to do is to stop his reelection campaign.  It is unlikely that Biden can survive another term, or at least do the job, so there should be another candidate.

Thursday, June 27, 2024

What do I like about Hamas?

Ben Shapiro Vs Student On Gaza War Casualties

Primary & General Election Polls | Latest Polls | RealClearPolling

Why are taxes in the US so complicated?

The left has officially LOST Andrew Cuomo on TRUMP CASE!!!!

The Distortion of Climate Data Using ‘Computer Models’ | Facts Matter

Israel Defence Minister: "We Can Send Lebanon Back To Stone Age"

Facts About Money That Will Blow Your Mind

"The U.S. spent 100 Billion Dollars to prepare for Y2K".

"A Time for Choosing" by Ronald Reagan

This Disease is Deadlier Than The Plague

Friday, June 21, 2024

'Would Set Back Civilization About 250 Years': Scientist Issues Warning About Current Wuhan Lab Work - YouTube

Why This Tiny Jellyfish Is Much Worse Than You Think target="_blank"

If this creature is so bad, the world would be better off if we eliminated it.

There are many dangerous creatures, some of which kill a significant number of people.  We can't eliminate all of them, but this particular jellyfish doesn't serve a purpose.

It has been advocated that we get rid of mosquitoes. I agree with this. They kill more people than any other animal.  If they are killing people, then they are killing animals too.

How Marxism Subverted America - David Volodzko

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Disney/Lucasfilm, maybe it's finally time to hear out the fans disappointed with Star Wars

Hey Thor,

If we are being honest, not all the hate toward The Acolyte is due to people thinking the show is poor quality although I am sure that is a major factor.  So many people feel "burned" by previous Disney girl-boss Mary-Sue shows that the moment they heard that it has a female lead and a gay director who made some controversial comments that were taken out of context, they refused to watch the show.  This is what my friends are telling me.  And those who feel so slighted are hyper-critical of it for its wokeness.  People have developed a knee-jerk reaction to anything that looks woke because they lump it all into the same basket as Captain Marvel and Rey.  The fanbase has built up resentment, so maybe the practical thing Disney should do is give us some classical male heroes which is what most people like.  There is still room for female heroes as there always has been. 

This is what happened to "Lightyear" which I thought was a pretty good movie.  Because it has a same-sex couple and a blink-and-you-will-miss-it lesbian kiss, there was a huge boycott campaign promoted by conservative talk show hosts.  The movie bombed because nobody watched it.  I tried to convince my friends to watch it, and they refused thinking it was too controversial.  People are reacting to what they hear instead of watching it and deciding for themselves.

I don't think that The Acolyte is bad.  I don't think that the third episode is bad for not revealing all of its cards.  We were told that the show's point was to have a mystery told from different perspectives.  I look forward to watching how the mystery plays out.  However, the show makes story-telling choices that don't sit well with the general audience. 

The Acolyte has enough of a budget that it could be better, but this leads to my second issue regarding Star Wars fans.  They expect perfection.  TV shows never have the same budget as major movies, and even The Acolyte has a lower budget than The Rise of Skywalker, so I am willing to give TV shows a bit more leeway.  I am just grateful that the show is entertaining even if it is not perfect.  Like you, I want it to be better, but that isn't always possible given the budget.  

For example, there was an outstanding George Lucas movie that was effectively turned into a TV show and nobody complained about the show being inferior even though it was.  The show was a huge hit.  The movie was American Graffiti and the show was Happy Days.

I would feel honored if you would comment on this. 

Best wishes, 

John Coffey

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Maps That Will Change How You See The World Compilation (Parts 1-10)

Why are we funding Harvard?

What REALLY Happens Inside Mainland China?

This is long and three and a half years old, but it is insightful on how oppressive the Chinese Communist Party can be.

'Flesh-eating' bacteria spreads at record rate in Japan

Some Reasons why People Suck

0 seconds ago


The data shows the temperature has taken 140 years to go up 1 degree Celsius.  This is relative to a dangerous and deadly cold period in the 1880's.  This slow rate of change shows that there is no climate emergency.  The current rate of change is at most 0.2 degrees per decade. 

We will be running out of most fossil fuels by the year 2100.  Coal will be the last fossil fuel to go.  At the current level of usage, we only have 40 years of oil reserves remaining. 

CO2 is a valuable resource.  It keeps the earth from freezing and it is plant food.  There is a greening of the earth because of it. 

The CO2 level over the last 40 million years has been in a nose dive.  This is because calcifying marine organisms sequester CO2 (indirectly).  The CO2 level got so low during the last period of mass glaciation that it reached 180 parts per million.  This is just barely above the 150 parts per million where all the terrestrial plants die. 

A funny thing happens to the climate roughly every 100,000 years.  The data shows that the temperature will quickly shoot up 8 to 15 degrees, level off for 10,000 years, and then go back down almost as quickly.  Then we get 85 to 90 thousand years of mass glaciation where New York is covered by ice. 

We should already be in the cool-down cycle of the interglacial.  The only thing that has prevented the planet from cooling is those pesky humans who added 150 parts per million CO2 into the atmosphere.  The infrared absorption range of CO2 is much narrower than other gasses like water vapor, and it has already reached 90% of its absorption capacity. 

Climate alarmism is dependent on as-of-yet unproven positive feedback models.  There are many feedbacks, some of which are negative.  There is much controversy over clouds, where common sense would indicate negative feedback to temperature, but the IPCC says the opposite. 

True science looks at data and then comes to a conclusion.  The IPCC does the opposite.  They start with a conclusion and then support that with evidence.  The IPCC refused to hire anyone who did not already believe in catastrophic man-made warming.  This shows their bias.  The IPCC actively suppressed skeptical papers and tried to get skeptical scientists fired.  The head of U.N., António Guterres, was a Socialist Party politician in Portugal, and he routinely makes outrageous statements about the climate that are completely inaccurate. 

Socialism is not palatable to the American people, so the socialists have been pushing false crises to divide and conquer and to give us more government control in incremental steps.  I'm sorry that you have been duped by this mass hysteria. 

Best wishes, 

John Coffey

Thursday, June 6, 2024

Conservatives Must Improve Their Ground Game To Win Big In 2024

He assumes that the Democrats cheated in 2020.  I wish that we had better evidence. There were so many irregularities that it seems likely some cheating took place.  I don't think it changed the result, although Dinesh Desouza pointed out there was enough illegal ballot harvesting in the swing states to sway the election.

The left argues that the Republicans lost all their lawsuits over the election.  This is not true.  About 80% of the cases were dismissed over jurisdiction before going to trial.  In the cases that went to trial, the Republicans won most of them.  The Pennsylvania Supreme Court ruled that Pennsylvania violated its election laws.

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Why Socialism Always Fails

A pyramid scheme is ultimately unsustainable because it is based on faulty principles. Likewise, collectivism is unsustainable in the long run because it is a flawed theory. Socialism does not work because it is not consistent with fundamental principles of human behavior. The failure of socialism in countries around the world can be traced to one critical defect: it is a system that ignores incentives.

Socialists point to a false sense of victimhood.

Yet, nobody starves to death under capitalism.  There are many programs, public and private, to help the poor and an abundance of food.

Meanwhile,  you have food lines under socialism.

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Matt Walsh Attacks Voting Rights

Everyone needs to be able to vote so that nobody feels disenfranchised.  Voting is a substitute for war to be able to make political change.

This is a bad look for Republicans.  This take is political suicide.  I'm sure that the left will immediately run with this, and claim that the Republicans want to take away your vote.

News That Will Give You Hope - Part 1

Sunday, June 2, 2024

Donald Trump Found Guilty Of Running For President

Trump Conviction Outrage

There is less outrage on YouTube over Trump's conviction than I expected. It is like the news has died down.

I assume that some people feel like I do, that if the political system is so corrupt that they put Trump in prison for political purposes then it is the end of the Republic. Especially if Trump loses the election because of it. I'm thinking that there should be a secessionist movement.

I don't expect that to happen for a couple of reasons. Maybe not enough people feel as strongly about it, and maybe there are some lines even the political left won't cross. They should at least fear the backlash.

Trump wasn't even my first choice. He is a flawed individual, but such injustice should spark outrage.

I have a suspected a secret plan where Biden pardons Trump, maybe stopping any appeal, but also indebting Trump to Biden and setting a precedent. Biden could also get convicted, especially if the political winds change. Maybe Trump will owe him one.

Best wishes,

John Coffey

The Legal Implications of Trump's Verdict With Harmeet Dhillon

Trump Found Guilty: Ben Shapiro Breaks Down the Verdict

Friday, May 31, 2024

Fwd: 1.2 trillion cost of regulations added in months...1.6 trillion total

he Biden administration has set in motion a wave of new regulations that have already cost the U.S. more than $1 trillion, which equates to thousands of dollars per family, according to a new report from the Job Creators Network.

There have been $1.6 trillion in costs imposed from a total of 923 new federal regulations that have been finalized under President Joe Biden, with $1.2 trillion of those being put in place in just the past few months, according to the JCN. In just the first two years of the Biden administration, new regulations are estimated to have led to an average of almost $10,000 in added future and present costs to American households, which could jump to $60,000 if the trend continues across a two-term presidency. 

EXCLUSIVE: New Report Details Just How Much Regulations Under Biden Have Cost Average Americans | The Daily Caller

Masculinity, responsibility, community

Thursday, May 30, 2024

Ben Shapiro: “Israel’s War is a Just War”

Energy demand explosion while shutting down coal and nuclear

War on the west by the west

Remarkable about face quotes

Last August, I published a letter from reader Marvin Levine that read in part: "I believe Donald Trump is the biggest a–hole that walks the earth … I think his supporters have a screw loose" and "the sane people left in the country should do everything possible to keep him out of the White House." 

Levine now writes again, starting with "Mea culpa" and adds: "While I am still not a big fan of Trump, the last year has been such a disaster that we will not survive another four years of Biden's leadership. The border, the Trump persecutions, the economy and his deteriorating mental and physical state leave us no choice."

Biden has spent his presidency painting Trump as abnormal but his recent antics prove it's the other way around (

Saturday, May 25, 2024

The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict explained on a map

What went wrong with capitalism

Just one problem: the era of small government never happened. Government has been expanding for nearly a century in virtually all measurable respects, as a spender, borrower and regulator; the one brief retreat, under Bill Clinton, proves the trend. In the US, government spending has risen eight-fold since 1930 from under 4 per cent to 24 per cent of GDP — and 36 per cent including state and local spending. What changed under Reagan was that as spending rose, tax collections remained steady, so government started paying for its own expansion by borrowing. Deficits went from rare to routine and as a result public debt has quadrupled in the US to more than 120 per cent of GDP today.  

America is displacing Europe as the society least tolerant of financial distress for anyone, up to and including the super-rich

Rather than reversing the course of government, Reagan changed the conversation, which did often focus on a neoliberal agenda of cuts to taxes or deficits or regulation. But even when governments attempted to deregulate, the result was more complex and costly rules, which the rich and powerful were best equipped to navigate. By the 1980s, fearful that mounting debts could end in another 1930s-style depression, central banks started working alongside governments to prop up big corporations, banks, even foreign countries, every time the financial markets wobbled.  

With good reason, progressives deride this new version of capitalism as "socialism for the very rich", but governments were doling out relief for the poor and middle class too. More than socialism for the rich, this is "socialised risk", a campaign to inoculate an entire society against economic downturns. Although still widely criticised as the land of "raw" Reaganite capitalism, America is displacing Europe as the society least tolerant of financial distress for anyone, up to and including the super-rich.  

Something has been changing in the culture. Just as the American "revolution in pain management", which insisted on treating even moderate injuries with powerful opiates, was hooking the nation on OxyContin, its approach to economic pain management was addicting the system to a drip feed of government support. During the past two decades, the US fell from fourth to 25th in the Heritage Foundation rankings for economic freedom as both regulation and debt increased.  

If the era of small government was a myth, then the majority who want government to "do more" would be wise to think twice. An even bigger government is more likely to magnify than ease their frustration with the dysfunctions of modern capitalism.

Friday, May 24, 2024

Daily Wire Backstage: Introducing The 2nd Greatest Commercial Ever

These discussions are always interesting.  Their commercials are annoying.

They get tangled up over the definition of freedom to the point where it makes it look like they don't know what they are talking about.   Freedom is very simple; you should be able to do what you want just so long as you don't interfere with the same right of others.  The exact boundaries can be unclear which is one reason why you need a legal system to define rights.  For example, free speech and property rights need legal definitions.  I just can't claim that something of yours belongs to me.  There needs to be a system for determining what is property.  Likewise, people shouldn't violate other people's rights in the name of free speech, although there is a lot of that going around.

However, their discussion claims to be for freedom while apparently wanting to constrain freedom by religious values.  It makes them look hypocritical.

As a side note, some claim that we have "natural rights".  The problem with this is that you may think that you have the right to live but a bear thinks that it has the right to eat.  People have preferences and tendencies, where they prosper when they are free, but without a legal system, they have no rights at all.  It just becomes the rule of the most powerful.

The political discussion that followed was good.

Annihilate Jews, Win a State!

Saturday, May 11, 2024

Star Trek Actress Marina Sirtis Attacks Kirstie Alley, Describes Her As "Evil" & Other Nasty Names!

Protests documents and weapons

Armed struggle is enshrined in law," showed one confiscated pamphlet. Another, "We are not satisfied with co-existence."

Going beyond extremist and violent rhetoric, weapons were discovered. Chains, steel cables and buckets of rocks were found and subsequently confiscated by authorities at UT Austin demonstrations last month.

More documents obtained by Fox News purportedly "celebrat[e] the death of innocent Jews and the elimination of Israel."

Of 79 arrested at UT Austin, 45 were not affiliated with the University. LaJeunesse reported that experts believe "extremist documents lure students in using their sympathy for Palestinians to introduce more extreme views."

At UCLA on Monday, campus police detained 40 anti-Israel protesters who had metal pipes, chains, epoxy padlocks and documents encouraging vandalism on their persons.

Flags representing the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine are present at most college campus protests nationwide, which the DNI classifies as a "Syria-based terrorist group.

Friday, May 10, 2024

joe quid pro quo...congressman drafting impeachment articles

Mills, 43, submitted language to House counsel on Thursday for one article of impeachment that would charge Biden with "abuse of power," Mills revealed on X, noting that he would "pursue action [Friday] morning." 

"Using the powers of his high office, President Biden solicited a 'quid pro quo' with the foreign government of Israel by withholding precision guided weapons shipments in order to try and extract military policy changes," reads Mills' resolution.

House GOP drafting Biden impeachment articles over Israel aid cutoff threat (

I Went To China And Drove A Dozen Electric Cars. Western Automakers Are Cooked

Biden Sides With Satan

Thursday, May 9, 2024

Biden weapon pause kept quiet until Holocaust speech

Biden signed off on the pause in an order conveyed last week to the Pentagon, The Associated Press reported, citing U.S. officials who were not authorized to comment on the matter. But the NSC wanted to keep the decision quiet until...Biden delivered a long-planned speech on Tuesday to mark Holocaust Remembrance Day.

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

What CIVIL WAR Is Really About

Dictators arise because of a crisis causing the public to support stability over democracy.

Leftist Universities Fall Victim to Their Own Dogma

Unscientific American | City Journal

Shermer submitted a column discussing ways that discrimination against racial minorities, gays, and other groups has diminished (while acknowledging the need for continued progress). Here, Shermer ran into the same wall that Better Angels of Our Nature author Steven Pinker and other scientific optimists have faced. For progressives, admitting that any problem—racism, pollution, poverty—has improved means surrendering the rhetorical high ground. "They are committed to the idea that there is no cumulative progress," Shermer says, and they angrily resist efforts to track the true prevalence, or the "base rate," of a problem. Saying that "everything is wonderful and everyone should stop whining doesn't really work," his editor objected.

Shermer dug his grave deeper by quoting Manhattan Institute fellow Heather Mac Donald and The Coddling of the American Mind authors Greg Lukianoff and Jonathan Haidt, who argue that the rise of identity-group politics undermines the goal of equal rights for all. Shermer wrote that intersectional theory, which lumps individuals into aggregate identity groups based on race, sex, and other immutable characteristics, "is a perverse inversion" of Martin Luther King's dream of a color-blind society. For Shermer's editors, apparently, this was the last straw. The column was killed and Shermer's contract terminated.

Neocons Almost Killed America. Here’s How Patriots Can Fix It

'In the course of losing WWII Germany lost 5.3 of 17.7 million men aged 15-44 years old, or 30% of their male population. This brutality is the reality of winning wars – as the recent US track record of failure shows. The "measured and proportional response" crowd wants a war without war. It's a fantasy that only seems plausible to people who have never experienced war and are insulated from its consequences.'

"Taiwan, and China's claim on it, remains the flashpoint in the ultimate cold war in the final stages of warming. Clever deterrence measures have been offered and rejected. The Pentagon wants to fight by our playbook, but as always in war, the enemy gets a vote. A hot war between China and the USA would see US cities annihilated and a death toll in the tens of millions, at minimum. This apocalyptic carnage can only be averted by looking back through history at what has worked and what hasn't worked in the conveyor belt of failed Washington foreign policy approaches that have dominated the last thirty years. We owe it to our children to get this right but course changes must be made immediately before it is too late."